HiveToolTM Ingress Server

Move along, nothing to hack here.

Please bear with us as we finish our new infrastructure buildout. Different sites may be up and down for the next few days. We will try to get the wiki and forums up as soon as possible. This buildout was in the planning stage but had to be moved forward due to malware attacks. Thanks to Amazon Web Service (AWS), we will now have separate servers for ingress, wiki and forums.

Thr July 4 2019 Access to domain servers were interrupted for some users when Google DNS suspended our account due to "reports of phishing activities". We are working with Google to resolve this problem.
Thu Aug 23 10:50:27 UTC 2018 The Hive Registration Form and Hive Monitor Order Form should be working. We have been removed from the sandbox and emails can be sent to unverified addresses.
Wed Aug 22 01:03:09 UTC 2018 The Hive Registration Form should be fully working in 24 hours when access is granted to production AWS Simple Email Service (SES) (i.e. we are removed from the sandbox) and email can be sent to unverified addresses.
Sat Aug 18 18:12:37 UTC 2018 The Developers Forum should be back up. The new URL is
Sat Aug 18 01:00:00 UTC 2018 A minimal Mediwiki on is mostly up. The new URL is
As soon as backup scripts are installed and tested, the wiki will be updated with new content and images.
Tue Aug 14 14:00:04 UTC 2018 Data collection should be running. If your hive is not uploading data, please contact paul at hivetool dot net
Aug 14 12:00:00 UTC 2018 The database and hive logging scripts have been migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and are being tested. As soon as the change in DNS ripple through, the hives should be hitting the ingress server
Mon Aug 13 21:50:04 UTC 2018 The web hosting service, suspended our account due to phishing attack malware.